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Gasworks Motorsports Inc

Gasworks Motorsport Inc is the incorporated administration entity for the Gasworks Kart, Buggy & Motorbike Club, Illabo Motorsport Park (at Illabo Showground), and the Gasworks Vehicle Club.

Gasworks Vehicle Club Junee

Is a membership-based club for classic vintage & veteran vehicle enthusiasts Conducts bi-monthly meetings and club runs. Plays host to intra and interstate car, truck and motorbike clubs (The objective here being to increase visitation to Junee & surrounds).

Illabo Motorsport Park

(located at the Illabo Showgrounds). It is a speedway licensed venue through the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation and conducts events on a permit basis issued by the Governing Body Speedway Australia. It is a 390m oval dirt track known as the “SHEATHER CIRCUIT on which Vintage Speedway Vehicle Demonstration events are held.

The Gasworks Motorsport Inc sub entity of Illabo Motorsport Park is an Autosport facility licensed by the NSW Office of Sport — License no: CORP14-6706

With Vintage Speedway events being operated on an event by event basis with a permit, issued by Speedway Australia, being the National Governing body for Australian Speedway.

With the entrants and participants being members of clubs sanctioned by AVCSNB. Entries are open to all Open Wheel Vintage Vehicles as defined by the AVCSNB. The AVCSNB Constitution and Bi-Laws will apply to these events.

The Gasworks Kart, Buggy & Motorbike Club

The focus of this sub entity is Driver/Rider Training conducted in a family friendly Club environment along with the pending development of a bitumen paved area “Skid Pan” (with the Junee Shire Council scheduled to complete the scope of works planned for December 2018) and to also introduce driver training programs specifically aimed at the local and regional youth market.

The Gasworks Kart, Buggy & Bike Club events are also operated on an event by event permit; however, this motorsport format is controlled by a different governing body — that being the AASA for the Kart & buggy categories, with the motorbike division of the club being being sanctioned by Motorcycle Australia, the governing body for motor bike events in Australia.

We also host other CAMS affiliated Clubs for Autokhana event (non-speed events)

Along with Confederation of Australian Motorsport (CAMS) affiliated Clubs conducting Motorkhana and Autokhana events at Illabo Motorsport Park.

Other Information…

For more information about various aspects about Gasworks Motorsport Inc, please visit the following pages;

Details on our Office Bearers and other sub-committee members can be found on our Committee Page committee »

Our Incorporation and Not-for-Profit status, along with our Constitution and Code of Conduct can be found on our Legal Page legal »

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